Happy Solstice -
enjoy the depth and beauty of ritualizing what you will let go of, what you will create space for, and what you are cultivating in the arc of your existence through 2024 and beyond!
Blessings on the long night into longer light and may your transitions into the new year be full of joy and warmth!
Also, thank you all for the gifts and treats of appreciation this week. My heart is full and humbled by how thoughtful you folks are!!
2024 is going to be different in all the best ways possible.
Blessings and love,
- q
What Ive Loved Reading this past year: From the Core By John Wineland - you really should order a copy
Encouragement and inquiry about when i might be running a mens' group continues to be voiced. If you are interested, reach out and let me know if you would like in person / virtual..., Initially, my thought would be to use this book as a reference and meet 1x/month do discuss a chapter for an hour...
The audiobook version is awesome as well (well done and read by the author). Through 2023, ive leant and gifted this title more than any other... it's a game changer for men and women in these hyper individualistic and dysfunctional times....

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