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Covid-19 Guidelines & Office Procedures

Symptom screening, mask wearing, social distancing, sanitation procedures, HEPA Air filters

  1. Symptom Screening

    1. Please do not expect to have an appointment with us if you have active symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have had a positive test within the last 20 days even if asymptomatic.  Symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, cough, chills, body aches and muscles pains, headache, sore throat, or new loss of smell should contact their doctor and plan to get tested before coming into this office. All new and returning patients will be questioned for such symptoms. 

    2. Those who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 or have been an essential worker with higher possible exposure should notify this office so we can book you in a more isolated fashion with more time around your appointment to sanitize our space.

    3. Please notify this office if you have traveled out of the state or country. Those patients must be booked for a date on the schedule that falls at least 14 days from their return date without any new trips.

    4. If you travel while in a care plan with us, please notify the office so we make the appropriate schedule arrangements. 

  2. Social distancing

    1. If you are more than 5 minutes early for your appointment, please wait in your car or make yourself comfortable on our front porch being mindful of others who may be there.

    2. Patient companions are permitted only if required for direct patient assistance. Please have others wait outside our office.

    3. If you practitioner is not immediately available at the desk at your appointment time, you can use the additional waiting rooms in our upstairs hallway. You’ll find one immediately to the left of the back stairwell, and in the nook at the top of the main stairs outside out office door. 

    4. Please do no wait on the bench inside our clinic space.

    5. We will be booking in such a way that keeps crossover of individuals coming and going at a minimum.

  3. Personal Protective Equipment

    1. Both patient and practitioner MUST wear masks covering mouth and nose for the duration of treatment.

    2. If you have forgotten your mask, we will provide you with one while supplies last—masks are in limited supply each week due to ordering restrictions. If we do not have any in stock, we will be unable to treat you that day.

    3. Your practitioner will wear gloves when appropriate and otherwise strictly follow the CDC guidelines for hand washing (as we do anyway) between patients and after touching common surfaces.

  4. Sanitization Practices

    1. Patients please wash hands and/or use provided sanitizer upon entering office space and refrain from touching your phone or other commonly touched item you carry with you.

    2. Our office is using hospital grade disinfectant cavicide wipes and/or spray after each patient visit on all surfaces directly used in treatment such as face cradle and treatment tables and treatment equipment. Other higher traffic areas for contact such as tables, computers, chairs, door knobs, walls, bathroom sink handles, etc. are cleaned multiple times during the day and all surfaces thoroughly at the end of every day.     

    3. Each treatment room has a HEPA air filters running at all times. 

If you have further questions about our practices at this office, please feel free to contact the front desk who should have all the answers you need.


147 State St., Montpelier, Vt. 05602

Monday 2pm - 7pm

Tuesday 8am - 2pm

Wednesday 2pm - 7pm

Thursday 8am - 12noon

Friday 8am - 6pm

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Clear Path LLC, © 2023 & beyond, all rights reserved.

Information provided on this site is not specific in nature and is not intended to supersede advice of your physician or other health professional familiar with your unique case. 


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