from the Bhagavad Gita, Meditations on the Tarot, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen
Sitting contemplation on the Bhagavad Gita, restraint and the phrase ‘abracadabra’ translated as ‘as it is spoken, so shall it be’…
Both language and thought shape reality....
Preverbal musings of ‘Saturnian’ energetics….
Spontaneous flow, asan-ic oscillations...clearing the vrttis…
Standing upward reaching stretch to the sky
Standing forward bend
Massage face In squat + hang head
Spinal waves (sagittal/coronal/transverse iterations)
Virabadrasana 1
56 Doorjam heart / shoulder opening + standing rear leg raises (kind of a weird one but thats what ill call it - you could conceptualize the movements as prep for Vira 3)
Lunge variations (and not enough of them)...
Setu banda sarvangasana
Sukhasna + forward bend be sure to switch legs for both side effects!!
Upavista konasna
Jainu shirshasna
Badda konasana
Child pose
Pranayama / bandha:
Virasana / Ujay / Uddyana
Virasana / anahata chakra / anjali mudra
Mantra: ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’
Appreciate / allow / integration:
Head to the office to treat patients and handle Admin tasks...
Evening: 4 mile run / 1 mile walk....